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Popular Quotes

Ferris Bueller
● Life moves pretty fast, If you don’t take a look around once and a while, you could miss it.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
● “Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called ‘Ego’.”
● Speaking generally, punishment hardens and numbs, it produces concentration, it sharpens the consciousness of alienation, it strengthens the power of resistance.
● Insanity in individuals is rare – but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule.
● When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one.
● In Heaven, all the interesting people are missing.
● He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
● The abdomen is the reason why man does not easily take himself for a god.
● To do great things is difficult, but to command great things is more difficult.
● It is not the strength, but the duration, of great sentiments that makes great men.
● The historian looks backward. In the end he also believes backward.
● The more you let yourself go, the less others let you go.
● A joke is an epigram on the death of a feeling.
● The lie is a condition of life.
● He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.
● The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good thing for the first time.
● When one has not had a good father, one must create one.
● A politician divides mankind into two classes: tools and enemies.

Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)
● “The truth is more important than the facts.”

Frank Outlaw
● When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly.

Frank Lloyd Wright
● The thing you really believe in always happens… and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

Francois Sagan
● A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you.

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